Sunday, August 26, 2012

Failed Porcelain Veneers in Charlotte NC are Fixable

Fixing failed porcelain veneers is possible in Charlotte NC for people worried about their condition that gets them frustrated and uncomfortable. This is possible through the help of Ballantyne Center for Dentistry. As we all or some of us know, cosmetic dentistry is not something that last for a long period of time. However, cosmetic dentistry should be able to last for a number of years including porcelain veneers. There are people who are facing problems associated with porcelain veneers that require porcelain veneer remakes in order to resolve the problem.

Bonding of veneers to teeth not done right

It is important that the teeth should be positioned properly through specialized techniques to make the bonding process perfect. If not followed properly, the teeth will not be suitable to undergone firm bonding to prevent falling. As a result, the teeth might chunk or chipped. Furthermore, the teeth can be left exposed having to prone to choking on your porcelain veneer.

The gap in between the porcelain veneers and the gum line shows that the bonding is not done properly. Due to this improper bonding, it can cause decay as the bacteria and plaque have been provided a good place to reside.

If the dentist is not knowledgeable or inexperienced, then failed porcelain veneers are not impossible to happen since the proper techniques are not applied. If you want to have a fix for your failed porcelain veneers, you can do so by going to the Ballantyne Center for Dentistry in Charlotte, NC.

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