Monday, August 13, 2012

Charlotte cosmetic dentist makes dental crowns beautiful and affordable

Dental crowns are a great way to help return your mouth to a beautiful condition.  Often through poor dental hygiene, environment, or just plain genetics our teeth our not as healthy or pretty as we would like. When you have a toothache you really are not too concerned about how the tooth looks, you just want it fixed so the pain will go away. However, after the pain is gone reality must be faced.  What is that tooth going to look like? How stable is it going to be? How much is this entire procedure going to cost and can you afford it?

The Ballantyne Center for Dentistry, in Charlotte, NC explains that dental crowns can help to stabilize teeth that have been broken through trauma or damaged due to decay. Trauma and decay often leave the teeth weak and with an uneven chewing surface.  A dental crown covers the tooth and thus protects it from damage in the future.  A crown will also provide a normal chewing surface again.
image courtesy of

Dental crown materials are not equal
Dental crowns used to be made from a metal shell that was covered with porcelain.  These were considered to be a long-term fix.  They lasted very well, but they were not very pretty.  They left a dark ring at the gum line that was unattractive. As time has passed and methods have improved it is now possible to get all porcelain dental crowns. In Charlotte, NC patients are now getting all porcelain crowns that not only have the benefit of cosmetic dentistry, they offer a strong, long term solution to poor conditions of existing teeth.

Cosmetic dentists at the Ballantyne Center for Dentistry often remove the old metal lined crown and replace it a porcelain crown.  Not only does this have the effect of beautiful cosmetic dentistry, the cost is similar and the porcelain will provide the patient with many years of protection and beauty.

Afraid of the dentist?
If you are like me and scared silly about going to the dentist, let alone going when you are pain free, there is no need to worry when you see a sedation dentist.  The patients in Charlotte, NC can rest assured that with the help of sedation at the Ballantyne Center for Dentistry, they can have their work done in one appointment and thus avoid the for stressful waits and repeat visits.

Dental crowns for a great smile
So when you gather the courage to get your dental crowns, remember to ask the professionals at Ballantyne Center for Dentistry about porcelain crowns. The treatment will be easier than you can imagine and is affordable. Then, you will not only have dental crowns that that give you a million dollar smile, but you will be able to smile because you did not have to spend a million dollars in Charlotte, NC, for that movie star look!

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